What is 25i?

WHAT IS 25i?

If you’re considering doing LSD, it’s important to know about 25i. 25i-NBOMe, often called 25i, is a powerful hallucinogen that was originally lab-synthesized in 2010 for research purposes.

The effects of 25i can be felt at doses ranging from 50-100 micrograms but often taken in recreational doses of 500-800 micrograms. 25i may be consumed the same way LSD is as liquid dropped on paper which is dissolved under the tongue or in the cheek. Effects of 25i are often felt within 45-90 minutes with total effects lasting between 5 and 10 hours when taken under the tongue.

Users report the positive feelings from 25i include euphoria, mental/physical stimulation, feelings of love, altered consciousness, and unusual body sensations. When dissolved under the tongue, the first effects of 25i are often described as unpleasant including numbness of the mouth - key difference between 25i use and LSD (which does not cause numbness in the mouth).

Side effects of 25i use can include agitation, intense hallucinations, and seizures. After using 25i, some people were hospitalized for muscle contractions that they couldn’t control, very low blood pH, rapid heartbeats, high blood pressure, and fever. Some regular 25i users have reported hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) meaning that some of the drug’s hallucinogenic effects continue for months after use.

The exact lethal dose for 25i in humans is not known and since it is often produced by amateur cookers, its potency and purity can vary greatly. This can lead to accidental overdose or unexpected, extreme hallucinations with 25i use at a variety of doses.

Due to their loosely similar subjective effects and the cheaper production cost of 25i, 25i is sometimes substituted for LSD when sold to users. This can be very dangerous as users can easily take a fatal dose of 25i by accident - since LSD does not have a lethal dose. LSD can be tested for 25i using a testing kit with Ehrlich’s reagent.

Aisling Covell

Researcher at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Human Biology student


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