Should I Let Anti-Depressants and Recreational Drugs Mix?

Should I Let Them Mix? Antidepressants + Recreational Drugs

WARNING: TACO is not a licensed psychiatrist. If you are considering using recreational drugs with your antidepressant medication, talk to your doctor! (Yes, it is good to tell your doctor if you’re considering using recreational drugs with your prescription drugs!! No, they can’t report you to your parents or the police)

💊⛔️ There are a few types of antidepressants: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), and Tricyclics Antidepressants (TCAs). SSRIs are typically more effective than TCAs and are used to treat depression, panic disorder, OCD, and social anxiety disorder😞➡️😊

🍾💊When TCAs interact with alcohol, the antidepressant action of the TCA is inhibited and the sedative effects are increased. This results in a decrease of motor skills, postural sway, and reduction of short term memory. When TCAs interact with opiates, there is an increased risk of overdose death.☠️📈

💊⚠️When MAOIs or TCAs interact with MDMA, serotonin syndrome is likely to occur. This is when the brain has too much serotonin, causing neurons to die. Symptoms include confusion, rapid heart rate, muscle rigidity, sweating, dilated pupils, and loss of muscle coordination🚫💃🏽

💊🍸When SSRIs interact with alcohol, SSRI-induced drowsiness may be increased. Combining MAOIs with wine or beer may cause blood toxicity due to Tyrosine. TCAs combined with alcohol use will diminish TCA’s antidepressant effect but increase drowsiness.
☕️SSRIs and caffeine causes higher blood levels of caffeine.
🩸SSRIs and Xanax cause higher blood levels of Xanax increasing the duration of its effects.

‼️💊Interacting TCAs with MDMA, LSD, or opiates like Fentanyl can result in risk for serotonin syndrome💀

🙅‍♀️☠️The interaction of SSRIs with MAOIs can be fatal. There must be at minimum a two-week interval between stopping one drug and starting the other drug.The majority of fatal cases have occurred among patients taking MAOIs who were coadministered an agent that inhibit serotonin reuptake, such as an SSRI. Talk to your doctor before combining anti-depressants❌🚫


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