What even is LSD?

What Even is LSD?

🌈👀Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent semi-synthetic hallucinogen made from the ergot fungus👩‍🔬

🟩🧐The common recreational dose for LSD is 150 micrograms. Since LSD is extremely potent, the dose is roughly equal to 1/10th the mass of a grain of sand. It is usually found as liquid dropped on paper, sugar cubes, or gelatin. LSD is either eaten or dissolved on/under the tongue👅

🚫⚖️There is no known amount of LSD that can result in a lethal overdose according to pharmacological toxicity. No one has ever died from LSD physically overwhelming their body. LSD-related deaths are primarily due to trauma caused by impaired judgement and perception🤯

😝Once LSD is ingested, onset takes 30-60 minutes and peak sensations occur after 2-3 hours. The experience of LSD may last for up to 12 hours⏱

🌊😍People who take LSD often feel relaxed and more connected with the universe. Users experience distorted visual perceptions, including seeing more vivid colors. Many people who take LSD report feeling more in touch with their creativity. One is the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, who was quoted as saying he “seriously doubts” he would have created his prize worthy invention without LSD. Psychedelics increase cognitive flexibility and lateral thinking, which allows users to see issues from new perspectives🧑‍🎨🤓

😣⬇️A “bad trip” may include excessive sweating, panic, paranoia, psychosis, and bizarre behaviors. If caused by an excessive dose, there is the potential that a user can experience flashbacks to this negative experience even after LSD has been removed from their body. Anyone with predisposition to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe anxiety is much more likely to have an extreme “bad trip” that may result in permanent psychosis or suicide☠️

🧠LSD is a serotonin agonist (AKA activity increaser) that works by binding to serotonin receptors in the brain. Studies show that LSD increases brain activity in specific regions that contribute to the formation of enhanced visual imagery, while decreasing activity in networks devoted to self-focused thought🌎

Madeline Hilliard

Lead Designer at TACO Inc.

B.S. Computational Neuroscience


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