What are Shrooms?

What even are those? Shrooms

🍄”Magic” Mushrooms contain Psilocybin and its psychoactive counterpart Psilocin🌈🌊

🔉The “threshold dose” of Psilocybin, AKA lowest dose to create a noticeable effect, is 4-10mg. This is typically equivalent to 1g of dried magic mushroom or 10g of fresh magic mushrooms🍄

⛰A Recreational Dose is a bit more than threshold, usually ranging from 1-5g dried mushrooms or 10-50g fresh mushrooms. These ranges should be interpreted with caution because the concentration of active hallucinogens vary by type of Magic Mushroom (there are over 100 species)🚨

☠️A lethal overdose on magic mushrooms may occur if more than 340 times the recreational dose is ingested. The lethal dose is estimated to be 1.3 killograms or 2.9 pounds of magic mushrooms. Although overdose due to psilocybin almost never occurs, more frequent mushroom fatalities have occurred from mistakenly eating mushrooms of the bulbagaric group, which are poisonous❌

🧠What do Psilocybin and Psilocin do to the brain? They both activate serotonin receptors called (5-HT2AR). Intensity of the mushroom effect is associated with the stimulation of these serotonin receptors and is a key determinant of the psychedelic experience🔦

⏳The effects of magic mushrooms typically last for 2-6 hours. Effects can range from relaxation, giddiness, laughter, energy, joy, euphoria, visual and auditory enhancement, visual disturbances, altered perception, and hallucinations🌈🟣

❌Possible negative effects of mushrooms are extreme confusion, anxiety, severe agitation, and panic. In some serious cases, states of acute psychosis have occurred. Another possible risk is for self injurious behavior😭

🏡How to avoid a “bad trip?” Take Magic Mushrooms in a highly controlled setting and also in a stable frame of mind. Avoid mixing with other substances, especially if you’re considering using Shrooms for the first time🥂

🍊Some people believe orange juice -which contains lots of Vitamin C and sugar- can stop the experience of a bad trip, while others say it intensifies the experience. Despite the conflicting opinions, there is no scientific evidence for either of these claims🤷‍♀️


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