Does Ecstacy, Shrooms, or LSD Impact Sleep?

Do Drugs Impact Sleep? Part 3 - MDMA, Shrooms, LSD

🔆MDMA, also known as Ecstacy or Molly, is a stimulant that increases the release of excitatory Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine! These chemicals have a stimulant effect, making it very difficult to sleep during the drug’s 4 hour active period. Once the drug is out of the body, physical and mental exhaustion follows, which may make it easier to fall sleep. However, for the next few weeks, the user may have poor quality sleep due to a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is where breathing temporarily stops at irregular intervals, causing the person to be brought out of deep sleep😪

🍄Shrooms cause their effects for 4-6 hours by binding to certain Serotonin receptors. These specific Serotonin receptors are normally responsible for keeping you awake. At low doses, shrooms may make some people very drowsy. At high doses, many people are unable to sleep due to overall heightened brain activity. In particular, people often have visual hallucinations on high doses of shrooms, which may contribute to difficulties falling asleep⏳

🌟Similarly, LSD causes visual hallucinations for 8-12 hrs. Since these hallucinations occur even when the eyes are closed, LSD can make it difficult to fall sleep. Following use, the activity of Serotonin receptors that control wakefulness may be altered, which can cause drowsiness at unexpected times for a few weeks😴

MC Mitchener

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Neuroscience


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