How Can I Stop An OD? Trip Sit

How Can I Stop an Overdose? Trip Sit

💊👫If your friend is going to use drugs, it’s critical they they never do so alone! Ensuring they have a witness is a simple safety measure that could save their life. Ideally, they will have someone to be a sober Trip Sit😌

🍄❄️To Trip Sit is to be a sober person during a close friend or family member’s use of recreational drugs. Having someone to Trip Sit is especially common during first time use of psychedelics due to their strong dissociative effects. In this setting, a Trip Sit can provide reassurance and grounding in reality to increase the user’s sense of calm during what may be an overwhelming experience🌈

☠️❌Psychedelics may cause an increased risk of purposeful or accidental self harm. Trip sitters can reduce potential harm to drug users by preventing this harm. Additionally, trip sitters can help someone get past the negative thoughts that may accompany a “bad trip”🧠

🍸🍺Those who have overused alcohol and/or depressant drugs need a Trip Sit as well. If a friend is passed out in this scenario, fill a backpack with large, heavy objects like books and fasten it to them. This forces them to remain on their side and significantly reduces the potential of their airway becoming blocked if they vomit while unconscious🤢

📚🧐The ideal Trip Sit has done thorough research on the chosen substance from scientifically accurate sources (like TACO!) and/or has personal experience with the substance. If this is not possible, someone with reliably sound judgement can step in⚖️

🚑🚨While a Trip Sit can be life saving if something goes wrong, they do not replace preemptive harm reduction practices like testing drugs for purity🧪

Madison Minear

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Global Health

Emergency Medical Technician


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