What is Xanax Addiction?


What is Xanax Addiction?

😌🏖Alprazolam, better known as XANAX (often called zans, bars, or sticks) is the most widely prescribed benzodiazepine (benzo) to treat anxiety. Xanax helps you feel less anxious and more relaxed by decreasing nervous system activity. Anxiety is excessive activity in the brain, which is why one of its most common symptoms is known as “overthinking”🤔

💊🍺While Xanax is FDA approved for treating anxiety, it is also used recreationally. Be aware that mixing Xanax with other depressants, like ALCOHOL, is extremely dangerous and can be fatal 🚨

🧠💡Even though Xanax is a legal prescription drug, it is HIGHLY addictive - especially among those with a family history of drug and alcohol addiction or abuse. Compared to other benzos, Xanax is known to cause more severe withdrawal symptoms and have a faster rate of addiction🤢

⏱🪄SO, why is Xanax so much more addictive than it’s cousin drugs? Xanax is stronger, activates faster in the body, and doesn’t last as long. This means, when it quickly wears off, people crave more to return to that relaxed state of mind🧘

🌟😵‍💫Similarly to opiates, Xanax causes addiction due to its role in the brain’s reward pathway. Xanax increases both dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. These are two neurotransmitters that enhance mood and induce pleasure🤩

🚑🥱What kind of withdrawal symptoms can Xanax induce?? Studies have shown that after quitting Alprazolam, anxiety can return even more severely than it was before Xanax use. Other common symptoms include severe sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, head and muscle aches, depressed mood, and in severe cases - seizures💤

❗️❤️ If you or a friend is struggling with Xanax addiction, the safest way to recover is with professional help. In cases of severe Xanax addiction, quitting “cold turkey” can cause seizures and be life threatening. Talk to a doctor about making plans for recovery. Remember, addiction can happen to anyone and those struggling need kindness, empathy, and support to recover successfully🤝

Riley Carter

Researcher at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Computational Neuroscience Student


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